Professor: Jordan Trachtenberg
Students: Ana Maria Reyes, Rafael Rocha
Our proposal for EDGE PARK aims to bring residents and visitors to the park and promote a healthy lifestyle by blurring boundaries and spaces and addressing sea level rise. It was important to connect the city to the water and our neighbors north and south of us. Axes steaming off the city streets and a radiating tangent geometry emphasizes the cities influence on the park and creates a clear connect between north and south. The park provides a range of activities that transitions throughout one’s path through the park providing a sequence from north to south. The sea level is projected to rise 3 feet in the next 100 years. In order to address sea level, we added mangroves as they stabilize the coast and reduce damage from storms. They also allow for the filtration of the water because of the filter feeders that live on them. Another strategy was to elevate the coast in order to create a berm that would keep the water from flooding the city. We took advantage of this raise in elevation to create an interior space that would elevate the recreational experience. Creating the berm conflicted with our first strategy, blurring boundaries. Our solution was to bring the water into the site and promote people’s interaction with it. Each experience will be different as the tide rises and falls and the sea level changes throughout the years.